

About the Engine

The engine, Edgartown (originally named Active by the company that built it.) was a small 0-6-0 locomotive built by Porter - Bell of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania in May of 1874. It originally was built for the Chester and Lenior Railroad in North Carolina, but was sold to the Vineyard, to replace the "dummy" engine bought from Jerome Wheelock of Worcester that was too wide to take the turns of the track.

Photo courtesy of The Stan Lair Collection



Active's headlight can be seen at the Vineyard Museum, Edgartown, MA.

Photo taken by John Freeman,

courtesy of Matthew Stackpole and The Dukes County Historical Society



Active, full of summer visitors, leaving the steamboat wharf in Oak Bluffs.

Photo courtesy of The Stan Lair Collection


Active with engineer and fireman.

Photo courtesy of The Stan Lair Collection
